The farmland typically has large outdoor space or pathways, yard, grain stores tend and the location is remote from the city center, MTA Smart Solar Farm light is with standalone design, it can be installed on a farm building wall or farm garden and pathways on poles, no need connect to the grid power. It will save your energy cost and equipment (electricity cables and electric equipment) for outdoor farm lighting, which improves the quality of lighting compared to the traditional lights.
You can replace your convention lighting with a new, energy-saving solar farm light— which improves the quality of lighting. And don’t forget: Reducing the amount of energy consumed on the farm not only saves money but also reduces possible pollution and limits the consumption of non-renewable resources.
Solar farm light projects require very high climatic conditions in the application area, such as sunshine time, rainy days, longitude and latitude and so on. How to provide an effective solar lighting solution, MTA Smart will develop a unique customized solar lighting solution according to the application conditions provided by customers.